By: Felicia Urbanski This beautiful teacup and saucer, called “Pansies”, is the symbol of a special program for our congregation here at Erin United Church! Most of us already do more than we brag about to help others… all this important project does is put a name or a focus on our kindnesses. For oneContinue reading “The Cup of Kindness Project: An Idea for Congregations from Erin United Church”
Category Archives: Articles
How are you handling Church and Technology?
For many of the churches across Canada, COVID has changed how we do “Church”. Technology has allowed many of us to meet online, using video and written content. We have realized, “We, the people, are the “Church” – not the building. Yet many of us are wondering, “What’s next”? In the last few months, workshopsContinue reading “How are you handling Church and Technology?”
Studying How the Sacred Touches Our Lives – by Joyce Sasse
When colleagues and friends honoured me recently and helped me celebrate the granting of a Doctor of Divinity Degree from St. Andrew’s Theological College (University of Saskatchewan), others asked “What does a Doctor of Divinity University Degree mean?” Furthermore, when a very astute newspaper reporter questioned my explanation that “Divinity” was one of the basicContinue reading “Studying How the Sacred Touches Our Lives – by Joyce Sasse”
Seasoned writer Joyce Sasse publishes new book: “Gleanings from a Prairie Pastor”
“Gleanings from a Prairie Pastor” is an e-book collection of rural community memories and writings penned by Joyce Sasse. Through storytelling, the publication reflects on the deep spiritual hunger and rich cultural heritage of our rural communities. Hot off the press, this e-book is available through CiRCLE M, an organization dedicated to rural ministry leadershipContinue reading “Seasoned writer Joyce Sasse publishes new book: “Gleanings from a Prairie Pastor””
Ecclesiastes and Old Time Radio: by an Old Time Radio Enthusiast
By: Rev. Martin Dawson (retired and living in Cornwall PEI) Recently, Prince Edward Island celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first international radio broadcast on the island. Yes, on March 11, 1921, Keith Rogers set up some rather strange looking equipment, and a group of enthusiasts eventually picked up a broadcast from Schenectady New York.Continue reading “Ecclesiastes and Old Time Radio: by an Old Time Radio Enthusiast”